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Updating Website Content with the Divi Theme

Divi is one of the most popular WordPress themes. It’s a good fit for small business owners who want to be able to manage content themselves easily using a visual page builder. With Divi-based WordPress websites, many of my clients can update the text on their...
Willow Baby Store

Willow Baby Store An online storefront for a local Minneapolis birth center, featuring company-branded items as well as staff-recommended third party products.
Beer Labels

Beer Labels

Digitally hand-painted labels for a beer homebrewed in 2016. These labels were designed to fit short-style (think Sierra Nevada) 12 oz beer bottles                ...
Willow Beetles

Willow Beetles

There are little beetles that live on willow trees on the west coast of the US, and scientists are studying them to learn about adaptations to environmental and climate change. My advisor at Santa Clara University, Elizabeth Dahlhoff


The microbiome is the entirety of the microbial organisms — bacteria, fungi and animals — that call your body home. The wound microbiome consists of the organisms that live in wounds while they’re healing. Conference on the microbiome of trauma...