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Willow Beetles

Willow Beetles

There are little beetles that live on willow trees on the west coast of the US, and scientists are studying them to learn about adaptations to environmental and climate change. My advisor at Santa Clara University, Elizabeth Dahlhoff


The microbiome is the entirety of the microbial organisms — bacteria, fungi and animals — that call your body home. The wound microbiome consists of the organisms that live in wounds while they’re healing. Conference on the microbiome of trauma...


Do you know how antibiotics were discovered? They’re made by microbes to help them compete with their neighbors in the natural world. Antagonism is the word for when a microbe is able to kill other microbes. Poster for 2013 ASM General Conference Poster for 2014 ASM...


Have you heard about biodebridement? It’s an evidence-based ancient treatment for wound infections that uses germ-free fly larvae — maggots — to delicately remove dead tissue. Peer-reviewed study of physician attitudes toward biodebridement.